Friday, April 17, 2009

*SpRiNg BrEaK*

I had the most amazing spring break this year I think I will ever have! When I learned that we would be writing this blog on reflections on spring break, I was so excited because I knew that I would be able to write and write and write about it and never run out of interesting things to tell.
First, I am going to tell you were I went and why. Then, I am going to expand on that and tell all the fun and interesting detail that went on during my stay.
My family and I decided that this would be as good a year as any to go to Singapore. Why? My cousin, whose name is Lance, lives there and works at a Singaporian school as an elementary teacher. So, we were going to visit him. He had always wanted us to come see him in Singapore, but as you can guess, that is a very long and expensive trip that cannot be planned on a whim. However, this year, after much saving and planning, we were able to go to the far away country of Asia!
Our treck started in the Memphis airport at around 6:00 am. We flew from Memphis to Minapolis, which took only two hours. Then from Minapolis to Tokyo...this trip took all in all, 12 hours. Ughhhh! It was horrible! Next, we flew from Tokyo to Singapore, this last flight took 7 hours.
After all those hours of travel on an airplane, we were a mess. My cousin picked us up at the Singapore airport around 2 a.m, their time. We then went back to his apartment, where we would be staying for the following week.
The next day, we went and did many thing that were much different than here in the U.S. We went to the market and bought fresh fruit, we went to the HUGE Singapore zoo, we walked everywhere, and we also went to the movies. The movies was my favorite activity because it was the nicest movie theatre i have EVER been to! All the seats were recliners and in between every seat was a small table. On this table the was a button the call your waiter...yes, we all had our own waiters. Neat huh? They served us our meals and deserts and drinks and candy. It was fun.
After spending a few days in Singapore and meeting Lance's native friends, we took yet another plane trip (this one only an hour) to Phuket (Poo-ket), Thialand. I have to say that Thialand was my favorite place that we went the entire trip. We stayed at a hotel right off the town square, just a five minute walk from the beach. Phuket is far different than the industrialized city of Singapore. It has only small shops in the square as appose to Singapore's Prada and Gucci stores. Much to my liking, we spent most of our time there at the beach, drinking yummy tropical drinks.
A more exciting thing we did while we were in Thialand, was go scuba diving. My dad, my brother, and I are the only certified one of the family so naturally we were the only ones to go. It was amazing! I saw annimonies, and tons of fish! I even saw a Sea Urchin! Well, to be more specific, I actually saw about five hundred sea urchins.
After we were finished scuba diving, I went and got a henna tatoo right on the beach while my mom got a thia massage on the sand. We stayed there on the island we scuba dived off of, almost all day.
After three days in Thialand we returned to Singapore. That next day my mother and I went to a local taylor and had me measured for a custom designed prom dress. In two days it was finished! It fits me perfect and I love it.
The very next day we were back on our way home to Batesvegas! We took the same torturous plane ride home.
Now I can officially say, Asia is great, but im glad to be home.